User Guide
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 2
Definitions ............................................................................................................................................ 3
Getting started ..................................................................................................................................... 4
User interface ....................................................................................................................................... 4
Bulk Upload home page........................................................................................................................ 4
Create a new Bulk Upload..................................................................................................................... 5
Prepare the import file ..................................................................................................................... 6
1. External Disclosure Number ................................................................................................ 6
2. ETSI Project ......................................................................................................................... 6
3. Work Item/Standard or 3GPP Specification ......................................................................... 6
4. Basis Patent ......................................................................................................................... 6
Upload the import file ...................................................................................................................... 7
Manage Bulk Uploads ........................................................................................................................... 8
Ongoing ............................................................................................................................................ 8
History of finalized Bulk Uploads ...................................................................................................... 9
Check and normalize disclosures ........................................................................................................ 10
Disclosure’s Analysis - Status summary ........................................................................................... 11
Manually checking a disclosure ....................................................................................................... 12
Access disclosure’s details and normalize its information.................................................................... 13
Finalizing a Bulk Upload ...................................................................................................................... 14
The Bulk Upload feature for the ETSI Online IPR Declaration Tool will help you prepare your Information
Statement and Licensing (ISLD) IPR declarations by importing all your disclosures via an Excel
(spreadsheet) file. To make sure that all the uploaded disclosures’ data will be validated, a template
document is provided on the first step of the Bulk Upload creation process.
At the end of the Bulk Upload process, an Online IPR declaration form will be created and pre- populated
with all the validated disclosures’ content.
The aim of this feature is to ease the manual input of disclosed information and speed up the ISLD
declaration process.
Declaration /
Bulk Upload
In Bulk Upload context, a declaration is an element containing an Information
Statement, a Licencing declaration, and a list of disclosures.
Corresponds to one line in the IPR Information Statement Annex, including zero or
more “Projects”, one or more “Work Item / Standard or 3GPP Specification” and
exactly one “Basis Patent”.
The European Patent Office (EPO) grants European patents for the Contracting
States to the European Patent Convention. In the application context, the EPO
provides a Web Service used to check if the basis patent declared in a disclosure
matches with an EPO patent number and retrieves the patent family associated
based on the basis patent’s priority numbers and in line with the definition of a
patent family as set out in Clause 15.13 of the ETSI IPR Policy.
Clause 15.13: “PATENT FAMILY” shall mean all the documents having at least one
priority in common, including the priority document(s) themselves. For the
avoidance of doubt, “documents” refers to patents, utility models, and
applications thereof.
Normalized data
Normalized data are data entered by user matching with data already stored in
ETSI Databases, OR, for basis patent information, matching with data found and
retrieved by the EPO Web Service.
Projects: DARE Database
ETSI Work Items / Standards: ETSI Work Program
3GPP Specifications: 3GPP Database
Patent numbers: EPO if managed by EPO
Countries: ISO
A normalized disclosure is a disclosure containing one or more [Normalized ETSI
project] (optional), one or more [Normalized Work Item / Standard or 3GPP
Specification] AND one [Normalized Patent Number (found by EPO Web Service)].
An Un-Normalized disclosure is a disclosure that does not meet one or more of
the conditions of a normalized disclosure. It contains at least one element of Un-
Normalized data.
Getting started
Only registered users can use the Bulk Upload feature. If you are a new user, you may want to refer to
the ETSI Online IPR Declaration Tool User Guide to get you started.
User interface
The Bulk Upload feature is available under the “Declaration” menu of the http://ipr.etsi.org website.
By clicking on “Declaration” > Bulk upload”, you will be redirected to the Bulk Upload home page,
where you can start creating Bulk Upload declarations as well as see your ongoing or finalized ones.
Bulk Upload home page
Create a new Bulk Upload
From the Bulk Upload home page, click on “Create bulk upload. This will bring you to the ETSI IPR Bulk
Import page where you can fill-in the ISLD information and upload your disclosures, through an imported
file that must follow a specific template. You can download the file template via the link "Download
template file" in the upper right corner.
To select an “IPR HOLDER/ORGANISATION”, the respective declarant company must already be present
in the IPR database. New declarants, who have never created IPR declarations via https://ipr.etsi.org/
before, should contact the ETSI Secretariat (email to ipr@etsi.org) in case the respective declarant
company name is not available yet.
Prepare the import file
The import file contains four main sections and it includes some guidelines on how to use it:
1. External Disclosure Number
This information is optional and can be used to create a link between the way you identify the
disclosure information in your own system and ETSI’s.
For example, you may have a reference for a disclosure coming from your database, and you can use
it to track the disclosure once declared in the Online Declaration Tool.
A merge rule will be applied when importing the disclosure’s information:
If the couple {External Disclosure ID; Basis Patent} is the same on two or more rows of the import file,
these rows will be merged into a single disclosure in your Bulk Declaration.
In the example above, the first two rows would be merged into a single disclosure. Row 6 and 7
however will not be merged in this single disclosure because the External ID does not match (even if
the Basis Patent is the same).
2. ETSI Project
Project information is optional, and you may use “;” as a separator if you want to mention several
projects on a single row.
When merging rows into a single disclosure, the rule applied is “add all unique project values from
the merged rows into the single disclosure”.
3. Work Item/Standard or 3GPP Specification
The Number is mandatory and unique.
The Version/Edition is optional and unique, if provided.
The Illustrative part (“illustrative specific part of the standard”) is optional and “;” separators can be
used to provide more than one.
To add more than 1 standard number in a disclosure, you may use the merge feature.
4. Basis Patent
Only one Basis Patent can be provided per row with its Application Number AND/OR Publication
Upload the import file
Once your source file (import file) is ready, on your computer, you can select and upload it by clicking
on “Browse” and then onImport”.
The system will then check that your import file has the right format (extension, size, mandatory
information, etc.) before it starts analysing it.
Formatting rules are provided directly inside the template.
Once you click on Import”, your Bulk Upload will be stored in a dedicated database and your disclosures
will be queued for analysing automatically by the system.
After that, an analysis panel will be displayed to you regarding the analysis state of the current Bulk
Upload. At this point it is safe to close the browser tab or go back to the main page.
This analysis process may take some time, depending on the size of your file. You will receive an email
notification once it is completed, with a URL to continue the process.
Once the analysis step has finalized, the analysis panel displays the button “Show annex”, which allows
you to consult your imported disclosures.
If you are on the main page at the moment when an analysis becomes complete, a notification will be
shown on the screen.
Manage Bulk Uploads
From the Bulk Upload home page, you can see all your Bulk Uploads, independently of their status.
On the “Ongoing panel, you can see your current Bulk Uploads and continue or edit them, depending on
their current phase. For instance, you can update the main page, update the respective declaration annex,
delete the Bulk Upload, or simply consult the declarant information (if it is still analysing).
The following table explains the various Bulk Upload statuses that are displayed in the graphical user
interface, for the “Ongoing” Bulk Uploads. The columns “View”, “Update”, “Update annex” and “Delete”
refer to whether the buttons/options are available, respectively.
main page
main page
[ X ]
The Bulk Upload is saved without any
The Bulk Upload is being analysed in
The Bulk Upload is queued (waiting for
The analysis of the Bulk Upload is done
History of finalized Bulk Uploads
The information displayed in the History of finalized bulk uploads” section concerns all your finalized
Bulk Uploads (which have already been converted to declarations) and it is purely historical.
To consult the latest version of a declaration that was created from a Bulk Upload, you may click on the
respective IPR reference URL to be redirected to its page. If the respective “IPR reference” URL is
displayed in red, it means that the IPR Declaration relative to this Bulk Upload has been deleted.
Apart from this, you can consult your previous Bulk Uploads’ import and finalization dates. The “Bulk
finalization date” corresponds to the date when the Bulk Upload was finalized (i.e., and the respective
IPR declaration generated).
When navigating through your list of finalized Bulk Uploads, you can filter your search by the “bulk import
date” or “bulk finalization date”. To apply a date filter, make sure that the filter row is displayed, by
clicking on the filter button which appears on the upper right corner (cf. figure above). Once a date range
has been selected, the list can be filtered by clicking the “Apply” button.
If the selected filters do not match any data, a Clear filters” button is displayed.
Check and normalize disclosures
To view and/or update the declaration’s annexed disclosures, you shall use the Update annex button.
This option is available for Bulk Uploads for which a file has already been imported and analysed.
When checking your uploaded disclosures, they will be displayed with a colour code, to help you to spot
any data that could not be matched automatically by the system.
Bulk Upload can
be finalized?
The Disclosure is fully normalized. No action required on
your part
The disclosure contains only normalized information for
projects and standard, with an approved un-normalized
patent (Indian Patents that are not handled by EPO). No
action required on your part.
The disclosure contains at least one un-normalized item
for which the system found approximate matches. You will
have to normalize it before finalizing.
The disclosure contains at least one un-normalized item
for which the system found no matches. No action No
required from the declarant. You will have to normalize
it before finalizing.
Disclosure’s Analysis - Status summary
With the status summary panel (“Disclosure’s Analysis - Status summary”), you can view a summary of
your disclosures’ status. This panel displays the meanings of each status, as well as the number of
disclosures that fall under that status. This status filtering panel is collapsed by default when no filter is
You can also use this panel to filter the displayed disclosures by their status.
An option “All disclosures” is also available and enabled by default.
This feature’s goal is to ease your activity when correcting disclosures manually. It can be useful to help
you filtering your disclosures by “anomalies”, to find and correct them easily. When selecting a specific
status, you shall click on the “refresh” button, to have your disclosures list updated.
Manually checking a disclosure
Each disclosure will be displayed (one per row) with the first item of each category and two icons on the
right: a “magnifying glass” to access disclosure’s details and a red “cross” to delete the disclosure.
Clicking on the “magnifying glass” will open a pop-up window displaying this disclosure’s information and
allowing you to change it directly.
Various manual actions that can be done are:
1. It is possible to add a new disclosure by clicking on the green “Plus” icon at the bottom of the
“Category” column.
2. For declarations containing more than 10 disclosures, page numbers will be displayed at the
bottom of the screen, allowing you to navigate through the disclosures.
3. There are three buttons at the bottom of the analysis page:
a. Back
Returns to the previous page.
b. Finalize Import
This will open a report of all the data that will be included in your future online IPR
declaration, with a button for confirmation. This is the step that you want to choose
once you have verified your complete Bulk Upload content and want to proceed (to
generate the respective ISLD declaration).
c. Export disclosures
This will generate an “Update Excel file” containing all the current data from your Bulk
d. Update main page
This will allow you to edit the ISLD page and send back the “Update Excel file” with
modified data.
Access disclosure’s details and normalize its information
From the Bulk Analysis page, clicking on the “magnifying glass” icon to the right of a disclosure row will
open this disclosure’s details page.
All the disclosure’s information is displayed on the details page, grouped by categories:
The disclosure’s external number, in the title.
The Basis patent Application number and Publication number, with a search button to retrieve
matching information from the EPO Database.
The Work Item / Standard or 3GPP Specifications information, with the 3 fields coming from the
Input file (Number, Version, Illustrative part). For the “Number” and “Version” fields, an
autocomplete feature retrieving official information from the ETSI IPR database will help you find
the right match.
The Project Acronym, with an autocomplete feature retrieving official information from the ETSI
IPR database that will help you find the right match.
It is possible to add a standard or a project by clicking on the green “Plus” icon, or to remove a standard
or a project by clicking on the red “cross” icon (located at the right side of the field).
Once all the fields are completed/corrected, clicking on the Confirm button will re-check the disclosure
and refresh its status.
The red Cancel button will allow you to discard all pending changes and go back to the list of disclosures
(ESC button will have the same effect).
Finalizing a Bulk Upload
On the Bulk Analysis page, clicking on the “Finalize Import button will display a summary/report
of the ISLD declaration that is under construction. The declaration will be created with only the
disclosures that are validated (normalized).
The “Bulk upload - Preview” screen will appear. An example can be found in the following image:
This preview/report will display all the information that will be included in your ISLD declaration.
To finish the Bulk Upload fully, and generate the respective ISLD declaration, click on the “Finalize
Import” button. Your ISLD declaration will be created in status “Initialised” (hence, being editable
by you) and you will be automatically redirected to the traditional IPR ISLD Online Declaration
Please note that there are further steps to be completed. For guidance, please check the IPR ISLD
Online Declaration tool’s user guide.